Indo-German Science & Technology Centre (IGSTC) was established by the Department of Science & Technology (DST), Government of India and the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), Government of Germany to facilitate and promote Indo-German collaboration in Science and Technology (S&T) through substantive interactions between researchers of both India & Germany.
Women Involvement in Science and Engineering Research (WISER) aims to build scientific capacity, retain, encourage, and promote women researchers.
This programme intends to:
*Applicants are solely responsible for identifying and forming their respective pairs and acquiring acceptance letters from the institution or organisation of the paired collaborator awardee.
Indian awardee
German awardee
Application must be submitted online via the “Application Portal” separately by each member of the collaborating pair. Submissions by other means will not be accepted.
Apply Online Link will be active from 1st February 2025 till 31st March 2025
WISER Project Proposal (To be uploaded in the WISER application portal)
Applications will be evaluated by a Joint Committee based on merit and compliance to the eligibility conditions. Evaluation will be based on the credentials of both women researchers from each country, as well as the feasibility, relevance to STEM, scope, content, quality project proposal, expected outcomes, and future potential. The decision of the Committee will be considered as final and binding.
For queries:
Tel: +91-011-26543500
Mailing Address:
Ground Floor, Block-II, Technology Bhavan,
New Mehrauli Road, New Delhi-110016, India