PECFAR is a fellowship to facilitate a two-way exchange of young early-career Indian and German researchers through short visits for networking and exploring avenues for collaboration and innovation in applied research.
4 years and above.
Not preferred in case you underwent education in India.
No. Applicants are solely responsible for identifying & forming their respective pairs and acquiring acceptance letters from institutes/organizations of the paired fellows.
Yes. It is mandatory for both the awardees in the pair to visit their respective host institution/organization. The duration of the fellowship will be minimum 1 month and maximum up to 2 months
The two awardees may choose to travel to their respective host institution at different times but within a time gap of 6 months. They should by all means not travel at the same time.
Age Limit is 40 years as on the Application Submission Deadline.
The parent organization is the organization in which the fellow is working currently. Mentor will be his/her supervisor/ Head of the organization.
IGSTC will complete the evaluation process within 8 weeks approximately after the deadline.
Yes, provided the other fellowship doesn’t come with any restrictions.
The Awardees shall book single round economy class shortest route air tickets within the sanctioned grant. Cancellation and re-routing are NOT allowed. There is no restriction on the air carrier or travel agents for booking air tickets.
The primary applicant enters the partner’s details in the "Pairing Details" section of the application.
The paired partner receives login credentials via email.
Using these credentials, the paired partner can log in and complete their part of the application.