Host: AMO GmbH, Aachen
Area of Work: Integrated Perovskite on-Chip Laser. He intends to combine perovskite nanocrystals and quasi 2-D perovskites with silicon nitride to integrate first order distributed feedback grating resonators or ring resonators in order to produce on-chip lasers.
Host: Fraunhofer LBF, Darmstadt
Area of Work: Adaptive torsional vibration isolators using Magneto-rheological elastomer (MRE). She intends to develop a prototype adaptive torsional vibration isolator (ATVI) using magnetorheological elastomer (MRE), whose dynamic properties can be controlled in real-time using magnetic field.
Host: Fraunhofer IAPT, Hamburg
Area of Work: Design and development of aerospace structural part manufactured through laser+wire based directed energy deposition technique. He intends to use additive manufacturing (AM) techniques to improve buy-to-fly ratio, lead-time, and structural integrity of aerospace components (like satellite bracket, aeroengine stators, etc.)
Host: Mentalab GmbH, Munich
Area of Work: SmarTaTSS: Tattoo Sensors for Smart Sleep Monitoring. He aims to design and develop a tattoo sensor for the continuous monitoring of the respiratory rate for sleep quality assessment.
Host: Fraunhofer IWU, Chemnitz
Area of Work: Digital twin for machining with structure integrated active damper. He aims to integrate active damping model of metal cutting vibrations in the digital twin of machining process and improve machining performance.
Host: Fraunhofer IWES, Oldenburg
Area of Work: An improved framework for assessment of loads on multi-megawatt wind turbines under yawed flow in Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy Systems. She intends to aims to use high fidelity tools such as Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) with Actuator Line Model (ALM) to calibrate the correction models adopted in conjunction with BEM.
Host: Fraunhofer IWES, Oldenburg
Area of Work: Development of a low-order acoustic propagation model for new-generation wind turbines operating above the atmospheric boundary layer. The model will be able to describe the fluctuating characteristics of noise at different locations in a three dimensional space.
Host: DendroPharm, Berlin
Area of Work: Through his project “NANOpain” he seeks to treat inflammation with novel dendritic nano-drugs without the addictive, potential for a better quality of life for patients with post-operative pain, cancer and chronic pain.
Host: KoRoH GmbH, Karlsruhe
Area of Work: Capacity of joints made of high strength steel tubular section. A method for the numerical determination of the design resistance of punching shear will be made available which can be used later for numerical parameter studies.
Host: FAIR GmbH, Darmstadt
Area of Work: Machine Learning. He intends to use novel Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL) algorithms to distinguish particles of interest (signal) from other particles (background) produced in large energy particle colliders.
DBT - National Institute of Animal Biotechnology (NIAB), Hyderabad
IIT Jammu
IIT Indore
IISc Bangalore
IIT Kanpur
IISc Bangalore
Punjab Engineering College, Chandigarh
BITS Pilani, Hyderabad campus
CSIR- National Aerospace Laboratories, Bengaluru
IISER Berhampur
University Hospital Knappschaftskrankenhaus Bochum
Forschungszentrum Juelich
Chemnitz University of Technology
Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
German Aerospace Center (DLR), Bavaria
RWTH Aachen University
University Hospital of Cologne
German Aerospace Center (DLR), Braunschweig
Technical University of Dortmund