Ongoing Projects

BETTERyRec: Integrated bio and hydro metallurgical techniques for the recovery of metals from spent battery waste and recycling wastewater

Project Investigators

  • Nilotpala Pradhan

    CSIR-Institute of Minerals & Materials Technology (CSIR-IMMT)
  • Debasish Das

    Himadri Speciality Chemical Ltd. (HSCL)
  • Martin Rudolph

    Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR), Helmholtz Institute Freiberg for Resource Technology (HIF)
  • Carsten Dittrich

    MEAB Chemie Technik, GmbH

Project Summary

Spent battery waste and the wastewater generated during its recycling are two important sources of metals such as Al, Li, Co, Ni, and Mn, etc. BETTERyRec project proposes the integration of biotechnological approaches in the traditional battery recycling flowsheet to increase the efficiency and eco-friendliness of the process through a novel use of biosurfactants as flotation reagents in ion flotation process i.e. bioionflotation. The main goals of the project are to optimize and scale up a novel bioleaching process for metal recovery from solid fractions of battery waste; develop a key bioionflotation process for metal recovery from dilute battery recycling water; and their integration into traditional flotation and leaching methods, followed by metal recovery in pure forms and production of battery grade materials. The project fits well with the complimentary scope i.e. Waste to Wealth campaign of India’s interest and accommodates critical metal recovery, circular economy and Research and Innovation projects on Battery Raw Materials focus for Germany’s strategic initiatives.

BIOMOPAC: Biobased functional molded fiber packaging from regional agricultural residues

Project Investigators

  • Vibhore Kumar Rastogi

    IIT Roorkee
  • Madhure Desarda

    Parason Machinery India P. Ltd
  • Roland Zelm

    TU Dresden
  • Frederik Feuerhahn

    Bionatic GmbH & Co. KG

Project Summary

Moldedfiber packaging (MFP) made from natural fibers finds diverse applications, but for direct food contact, it traditionally relies on virgin fibers. The challenge lies in incorporating functional barriers, such as those against grease, typically achieved through additives derived from fossil raw materials, compromising packaging recyclability. This research project introduces an innovative approach, utilizing vegetable residuals from the agricultural industry for both fiber raw material and biogenic additives. Specially treated, highly fibrillated fibers can serve as an effective barrier against grease and oxygen. However, the dewatering and drying processes for this fiber layer require substantial effort and energy, affecting the productivity of the moldedfiber process. In addition to optimizing pulping processes, the project focuses on developing a spray application for these fibers onto a preformed porous fiber network. This innovation aims to streamline the application of fiber-based barrier materials from various waste streams, ensuring a balance between protective function, recyclability, and a favorable environmental footprint as assessed by life cycle analysis (LCA).

ECOPAVE: Sustainable concrete pavements using high volumes of construction, demolition, and industrialwastes as constituent replacements

Project Investigators

  • Manu Santhanam

    IIT Madras
  • Devendra Kumar Pandey

    Ultratech Cement Limited
  • Frank Dehn

    Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
  • Peter Knoblich

    Hypercon solutions GmbH

Project Summary

Rigid pavements are long-lasting and preferable. However, high-volume utilization of naturalmaterials makes this choice unsustainable and expensive. The use of construction, demolition, andindustrial wastes can induce sustainability and economic benefits in rigid pavements. This projectexplores the potential of locally sourced waste streams in India and Germany to be used asconstituents in concrete replacing both Portland cement and natural aggregates in high volumes atthe same time. Scientific knowledge on microstructure and properties of concrete with such highvolume of waste materials will be developed to address key challenges such as processing of waste,activation of waste materials (carbon and thermal activation), dimensional stability (creep,shrinkage, and curling) and durability (Alkali-silica reaction, freeze-thaw, and leaching).Mechanistic models will be developed to enable design of pavements utilizing such materials and aholistic machine learning based mix design framework which also considers life cycle assessmentdeveloped will help to maximize use of locally sourced waste streams. The final demonstrator willensure the field applicability of the developed framework with an aim to reach TRL6 at the projectend. The partnerships established in this project between academic institutions and industry inIndia and Germany will lead to a long-term impact on the practice of sustainable construction andalso in drafting the policies to enable the same.

MAX-RAP: From Waste to Resource: Challenges and Opportunities in Maximising Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement Usage

Project Investigators

  • J. Murali Krishnan

    IIT Madras
  • M. R. Nivitha

    PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore
  • Sonal Maheshwari

    Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd.
  • Sabine Leischner

    TU Dresden
  • Jörg Kranz


Project Summary

The current strategies for reusing reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) are limited due to the lack of understanding of the extent of the recyclability of bitumen. Hence, the proportion and grade of virgin bitumen, the use of the rejuvenator, and its dosage are based on trial and error. This study attempts to evaluate the extent of recyclability in RAP bitumen by analysing its chemical composition and rheological properties. The possibility of using various crude oil base fractions as an alternative to virgin bitumen and rejuvenator is explored. To ensure that one can maximise the use of RAP, the uncertainty associated with the degree of blending at the mixture level is circumvented by proposing a unique approach to isolate bitumen from RAP. This study, hence, proposes two novel concepts, quantifying the extent of recyclability of bitumen in RAP and the use of a novel processing concept on an industrial scale to enable the highest possible recovery level of the individual fractions of the RAP.

MuScAl: Multiplexing scanning LIBS for high through put Al scrap identification

Project Investigators

  • Deepak Jain

    IIT Delhi
  • Ankur Singh

    CMR Green Technologies Ltd.
  • Cord Fricke-Begemann

    Fraunhofer ILT
  • Joachim Makowe

    Laser Analytical Systems & Automation GmbH

Project Summary

High-quality recycling of metals requires the sorting into pure alloy fractions. To process theaccruing quantity of aluminium scrap a rapid analysis method is needed. In principle, this can beachieved with laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS). In practice, a limiting factor is thethroughput of material presented to the LIBS sensor. To overcome this, a novel multiplexing 3DscanningLIBS sensor is being developed. A multiplexing fiber laser source with high repetition ratewill feed an array of laser scanners that cover a large conveyor belt area on which the pieces passby. The LIBS signal will be observed with a spectrometer at high rate. This approach requires theadaptation of novel laser source, scanner and spectrometer technologies to the advanced LIBSrequirements. A demonstration system will be set up to show the suitability for a high-throughputapplication. The system will be tested with aluminium scrap and its extension to an industrial scaleplant will be examined.

TRANSFORM : Transforming Industrial Silicon Carbide and Silicon Nitride Ceramics Waste into Products towards Material & Environmental Sustainability (Circular Economy)

Project Investigators

  • Ravi Kumar

    IIT Madras
  • Santanu Mandal

    Carborundum Universal Ltd.
  • Günter Motz

    University of Bayreuth
  • Ulrich Degenhardt

    QSIL Ingenieurkeramik GmbH

Project Summary

This proposal promotes sustainability and circular economy by reprocessing industrial silicon nitride(Si3N4) and silicon carbide (SiC) waste using Polymer Derived Ceramic (PDC) technology. Thistransformative method aims to address the mass market through conventional forming processsuch as – Uniaxial pressing, Isostatic pressing, slurry casting and cater to special products by additivemanufacturing (3D-Printing) technique. It is also envisaged to develop feed stocks using PDCmodified wastes for additive manufacturing that can help create an independent ecosystem withinthe framework of additive manufacturing of materials. State-of-the-art advanced characterizationtechniques will be used to unveil & evaluate the chemistry and microstructure of the recycledproducts coupled with comprehensive thermo-mechanical analysis to assess the product reliability.We affirm the performance of recycled products through meticulous testing and validation inindustries for potential product development, thus promoting waste-to-resource conversion andfostering a greener future. This comprehensive project aligns with circular economy principles,presenting an innovative solution to address industrial waste while paving the way for a moresustainable and efficient industrial landscape.

INGERBDIAM : Indo German project on development of biodegradable implants

Project Investigators

  • R. Vijay

    International Advanced Research Centre for Powder Metallurgy and New Materials
  • Suhaib Abdurahman

    Wipro Enterprises (P) Ltd
  • F. Witte, Franziska Schmidt

    Charite Universitätsmedizin Berlin
  • Peter Jaschinski

    KCS Europe GmbH

Project Summary

Presently used metallic bioimplants are non-degradable and remain permanently inside the body necessitating secondary surgery for removal. To overcome such problems, biodegradable (BD) metallic implants (Fe-Mn, Mg, Zn) are being developed. Mg based alloys are recently being commercialized for dental, trauma and orthopaedic applications. However, their usage is not extended to the applications which require longer period due to higher degradation rates and hydrogen evolution. These can be reduced by incorporating fine grain structure and coatings. Fe-Mn based alloys are recently gaining importance due to high specific strength and low cost. The challenge with Fe-Mn based alloys is lower degradation rates which can be addressed by miniaturizing. Presently, these BD implants are being developed by conventional techniques. Additive manufacturing (AM) is an advanced manufacturing technique that makes complex and custom made components with fine grained structure, controlled porosity and degradation rates. In addition, the challenges in fabrication of Mg based implants due to issues with forming and machinability can be overcome by AM. The reported studies on AM are preliminary. The use of soft tissue anchors (STA) as implants is projected to increase due to wider usage for fixing sports injuries as well as repairing wear and tear of tendons, ligaments and cartilage. This study envisages design of STAs, development of Mg and Fe-Mn alloy powders with suitable composition and demonstration of AM process for the manufacture of prototypes. It also involves characterization (microstructural, mechanical and biological) of AM built and surface modified coupons as well as components.

RAMFLICS: Robust additive manufacturing of functional lightweight integrated customisable metallic structures

Project Investigators


    Indian Institute of Technology Madras

    Indian Institute of Technology Bombay

    Hindalco Industries Ltd.

    Technische Hochschule Brandenburg

    Fraunhofer - IPK

    Gefertec GmbH

Project Summary

Light weight high performance components such as motor casing and battery enclosures require the assembly of multiple parts with complex geometry for the efficient design of electric vehicles. Design innovation to reduce the part counts without compromising the desired structural, thermal and mechanical performances is needed but limited by the ability of the traditional processes. The recourse is to produce parts with an innovative design by printing additional features on a cast or extruded part using Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM) thereby reducing part counts and the need for elaborate assembly processes. WAAM is a novel technique and involves rapid melting, deposition and solidification of materials to build geometric features layer by layer on a base. An understanding and precise control of the WAAM process are needed to produce a defect free, structurally sound and dimensionally consistent component.

The project aims at WAAM based printing of three dimensional features on cast / extruded aluminium alloy parts to enhance their functionality. The work packages include the development of in-situ monitoring and process control systems, computer-based models to predict the structure, property, residual stress and distortion and defect generation and printing of parts with enhanced features as demonstrators. These demonstrators will be put under standard tests to check their performances for further commercialization and mass production. The tasks will be carried out by all the partners in a systematic manner to ensure the reproducibility of the developed technology and completion of the overall targets.


add-bite: Development of patient specific additively manufactured mandibular implants with biotechnology inspired functional lattice structures

Project Investigators


    Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi

    All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS)

    Tata Steel Ltd.

    Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)

    Otec Präzisionsfinish GmbH

Project Summary

Commercially available Total Mandibular Joint (TMJ) replacement implants do not fit properly in Indian patients. Hence, patient specific anatomical TMJ implants seem to be a better alternative than the existing stock implants. Additionally, these commercial implants lack the hierarchical bony architecture. Therefore, it is hypothesized that an anatomical TMJ implant with additively manufactured bio-inspired functional lattice structures will have improved biomechanical performance. The aim of the manufacturing investigations are to specifically control the process parameters for powder bed fusion with a laser beam (PBF- LB) to adjust the morphology and topography of lattice structures, cryogenic cutting of the final contour and select and optimize the finishing processes such as stream finishing, centrifugal disc finishing or electropolishing.

ModAMtool: Material and process development for additive manufacturing and post-processing of tools made of modified hot work tool steel

Project Investigators


    Indian Institute of Technology, Tirupati

    Intech Additive Solutions Pvt. Ltd. (Intech)

    Fraunhofer - ILT

    Deutsche Edelstahlwerke Specialty Steel GmbH & Co. KG (DEW)

Project Summary

The Laser Powder Bed Fusion (LPBF) additive manufacturing process is suitable for tool making due to the small batch size and the ability to produce curved cooling channels that are not conventionally possible. When processing standard steel for hot work and plastic moulding tools H13 with LPBF, cracking must be prevented by using high preheating temperatures or by significantly limiting part size. To overcome these limitations, a modified hot work tool steel is being developed that can be processed at preheating temperatures of 200°C or less to enable industrial use. For efficient parameter selection, software for LPBF process development will be adapted and used. For a high surface quality of the functional outer surface and the complex cooling channels, polishing with a polymer rheological abrasive in a semisolid to liquid medium is used. The process chain to produce a tool is demonstrated and the tool is implemented in a plant environment.

MAMM-WAAM: Multi-axis multi-material wire arc additive manufacturing

Project Investigators


    Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati

    Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur

    Ace Manufacturing Systems Ltd.

    RWTH Aachen University

    ModuleWorks GmbH

Project Summary

The powder-feed metal Additive Manufacturing (AM) systems can realize the Functionally Graded Materials (FGMs) but remain inefficient and challenging to control the localized material composition. Therefore, this project proposes a novel approach, "Multi-axis multi-material wire arc additive manufacturing (MAMM-WAAM)," to efficiently fabricate large-scale metallic objects of FGMs. The proposed system will be a robot cell consisting of two multi-wire plasma welding torches attached to two 6-axis Robotic Arms mounted on the curved tracks. This system will produce large-scale FGMs objects of size up to 2m×2m×1m. Also, a Computer-Aided Process Planning (CAPP) software will be developed for efficiently operating the proposed system. New algorithms for (i) representing FGMs CAD models, (ii) build strategies, (iii) volumetric simulation, and (iv) collision detection will be developed for this CAPP software. The system will demonstrate its capabilities through industrial case studies.

AutoNutri: On-site Multi Ion Monitoring System for On-line Nutrient-laden Water Control in Vertical Hydroponic Systems to Minimize Environmental Impact

Project Investigators

  • Uday Annapure

    Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai
  • Vishal G. Warke

    HiMedia Laboratories Pvt. Ltd.
  • Rainer Gransee

    Fraunhofer Institute for Microengineering and Microsystems
  • Oliver Stegen

    RM Geraetebau Oliver Stegen

Project Summary

One of the challenges in cultivation in a hydroponic system with closed irrigation system is the optimized nutrient regulation due to inaccurate information of composition, although many researchers describe the determination of concentration of individual ions in solution as the key information for optimized operation. Current practice is the determination of conductivity, pH, redox potential and temperature. The consequence is the limited possibility to adjust nutrients to the needs of individual crops to avoid deficiency or eutrophication. The operators therefore periodically drain and replace the nutrient solutions.

The aim of the project is to develop an on-site multi-ion monitoring system for automated on-line control of nutrient input in vertical hydroculture systems with closed circulation systems based on feedback-controlled supply of nutrients. The monitoring system enables the effective use of nutrients for optimal plant growth by targeted regeneration of nutrient solution and thus contributes to a reduction in water pollution due to the premature nutrient disposal into the environment. Nutrient monitoring is based on direct potentiometric determination of relevant ions using ion-selective sensors. The choice of ions is characteristic of the growth of five crops selected. The sensors are integrated into a microfluidic system, which enables automated sample collection and adjustment of the measurement matrix. Calibration, data acquisition/processing are carried out using "machine learning" algorithms developed in the project to compensate for non-linear effects due to ion interference/cross-sensitivity and electrode/temperature drift. Prototypes will be provided to end users in India for beta testing.


NOMIS: Non-enzymatic Microfluidic Electrochemical Multiplex Sensor for Cost-Effective Soil Testing

Project Investigators

  • Gorachand Dutta

    Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
  • Binaya Kumar Parida

    Coromandel International Ltd
  • Bernhard Wolfrum

    Technical University of Munich

Project Summary

Fertilizers and pesticides can exhibit moderate to lethal levels of toxicity in humans. Although they are used in farm-fields to boost agricultural productivity, these chemicals move up through the food chain, which leads to biomagnification. Most of the reported methods for the detection of fertilizer and pesticides in the soil are expensive, have a short shelf life, and are difficult to realize as a device outside laboratories. By combining the complementary expertise of the Indian and the German partners, our project aims to address this unmet challenge by developing an efficient multiplexed device for the detection of nitrate (a major fertilizer-based soil/ground water contaminant in India and Germany) and organophosphates (a class of pesticides) in soil samples. The device will comprise a microfluidic platform integrated with printed electrodes based on analyte-sensitive ink formulations and will facilitate the regular screening of nitrate and organophosphates to monitor the quality of soil samples. Envisioned for commercial marketing, the device will be an important step towards sustainable agriculture, which will significantly improve the livelihood of rural farming communities in the countries and help in safeguarding water resources from pollution. Additionally, through the development of a user-friendly soil testing device in this project, awareness on environmental protection will be enhanced.

EffectroH2O: Effect-based Monitoring demonstrates Efficiency of Electrically-driven Water Treatment Processes to Remove Salts and Micropollutants from Process Water

Project Investigators


    Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai

    Tamilnadu Water Investment Company Limited (TWIC), Chennai

    Goethe University, Frankfurt

    RWTH Aachen University, Aachen
  • Maria Meinerling

    ibacon GmbH, Rossdorf

Project Summary

The project aims at improving the process water treatment in industries in order to reduce harmful toxicological effects in receiving environments. We seek to recycle process streams and recover resources, and thus improve the techno-economic feasibility of Zero Liquid Discharge plants. One promising technology to address the problems of desalination and dye removal is Capacitive Deionization (CDI). Compared to reverse osmosis, flowCDI can deal with highly concentrated brines and suffers less from organic fouling. Micropollutants, will be removed by a synergetic combination of CDI and Advanced Oxidation Processes. The novel treatment technologies will be scaled-up and piloted in the textile industry. The findings will enable replication and transfer to other key industries. Water quality and treatment efficiency will be monitored by emerging effect-based methods (EBM), which are complementary to chemical target analyses. The advantage of EBM is that they provide a holistic indication of toxicological effects from complex mixtures typical of process waters, which covers unknown oxidation by-products and synergistic effects. A bioassay test battery will be developed and transferred from Germany to India. EfectroH2O targets the United Nations Environment Programme Sustainable Development Goals 6 to “Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all” by contributing to the reduction of water consumption in water scarce regions such as India.