2+2 Projects FAQs

  • What is the 2+2 Project scheme?
  • 2+2 Project scheme is the flagship programme of IGSTC to catalyse innovation centric R&D+I projects by synergizing the strength of research/academic institutions and public/private industry from India and Germany. The Call for proposals is aimed at supporting joint R&D+I projects of industrial relevance by means of “2+2 Mode of Partnership” i.e. involvement of at least one research/academic institute and one public/private industry from both India and Germany.

  • What is the eligibility criterion to apply for 2+2 Scheme?
  • A consortium consisting of at least one academic/research institute and industry from both India and Germany is eligible to submit an application for 2+2 Project funding. Maximum is 3 partners on each side.

  • Who can apply / partner?
  • Applicants from public and private research organizations, public and private institutions of higher education, universities, and public or private companies having R&D bases are eligible to be partner in a project consortium.

  • Can an individual apply for 2+2 projects?
  • No, an individual cannot apply for 2+2 projects. Only a 4-partner project consortium can apply for 2+2 projects. The partners have to be associated with the research organisations or companies etc.

  • What are the eligibility criteria for Indian industry to take part in 2+2 projects?
  • Eligibility criteria for the Indian industry partner to be considered for IGSTC grants:

    • Indian company registered in India as per Companies Act, 1956 and amendment thereon;
    • 51% or more shareholding by the Indian citizen;
    • Fully controlled and management center present in India;
    • An Indian industry should be in existence for at least three years as on the application deadline.
    • Fully holding company or subsidiary of any Indian holding company;
    • Regularly filling annual tax return and auditing of accounts;
    • Indian industry is preferred to have DSIR Recognition Certificate. In the absence of DSIR recognition certificate, IGSTC may perform check for technical and financial stability of the of the Indian industry partner following IGSTC’s own norms.
    • Indian company which is a subsidiary of a foreign company will be considered as ineligible to become partner in the 2+2 project as an Indian industry.

    Eligibility criteria for the German industry partner to be considered for IGSTC grants:

    • German industry must have a branch office / research facility in Germany; which has to appear as the applicant.
  • Is it mandatory for the Project Investigators (PIs) to hold regular positions?
  • Yes. PIs should be holding regular / permanent positions.

  • How to submit the application?
  • Applicant must register on to IGSTC Application Portal online application tool and submit the application as per the guideline shown on the portal. Only the coordinator of the consortium has to upload the proposal.

  • Is DSIR recognition necessary for Indian industry partner?
  • It is preferred to have DSIR recognized Indian industry partner in the consortium. In the absence of DSIR recognition certificate, IGSTC shall perform check for technical competency and financial stability of the Indian industry partner following IGSTC’s own norms.

  • Can a proposal be submitted without industrial partners?
  • No - participation from industrial partners from both the countries are mandatory.

  • What is the quantum of the funding?
  • The maximum amount of funding to Indian partners (academia + industry) is up to ₹ 350 Lakhs and to German partners € 500,000 per project. This does not include the necessary contribution by industry.

  • What is the duration of funding?
  • The projects which are finally selected will be supported by IGSTC initially for a maximum period of up to three years. An additional funding period of up to two more years may be granted in exceptional cases.

  • What is the maximum grant industry can avail?
  • The Indian industry can get 50% of the project cost limited up to maximum ₹ 150 lakhs.

    The funding rate for German industry is usually around 50%.

    Eligible costs for industry partners are funded in the form of a grant based on De-Minimis or AGVO regulations. For the calculation of the funding rate the rules by the AGVO or De-Minimis have to be applied. For details, see German Call text.

  • Is it mandatory for industry to contribute financially to the project?
  • Yes, it is mandatory for industry to contribute to the total project cost. For Indian industry, it is fixed to a minimum of 50% of the project cost. For German industries the funding rate will be calculated according to the rules and regulations of the Allgemeine Gruppenfreistellungsverordnung (AGVO). For the calculation of funding rates for funding to industries based on the De-Minimis regulations, the rules and regulations of the AGVO have to be used as guidelines for reasons of equal treatment.

  • What is the evaluation procedure?
  • IGSTC will execute a two-step evaluation process, conducted by an Indo-German Joint Scientific Committee (JSC). the steps are as follows

    • 1st stage: JSC shortlists proposals for the 2nd stage and invite short-listed consortia to submit 2nd stage application
    • 2nd stage: Detailed evaluation by JSC for final recommendations. Consortia have to present their project proposal in front of the JSC.
  • What are the eligible costs covered in the 2+2 projects?
  • IGSTC supports grants for: Manpower, Equipment & Accessories, Consumables, Contingency, Travel & Hospitality, Network Events, Outsourcing / Subcontract and Overhead charges.

  • Can PIs draw salary from manpower cost?
  • India: No, PIs cannot take (in full / top up) salary from the manpower cost granted by IGSTC. Only those research staff hired exclusively for the project can be paid salary / fellowship from the manpower cost.

    Germany: Usually not since the permanent position of a PI in an academic position is already covered. Industry can claim manpower cost, including the director.

  • What if an application similar to the one submitted to the IGSTC is submitted to another funding agency while it is being considered by IGSTC?
  • If you are successful in obtaining funding from IGSTC for a similar application submitted to another agency, you have to withdraw the application from the other funding agency to receive IGSTC funding.