IGSTC 2+2 projects – Phase 2 Extension grant

"Bridging the gap from invention to innovation"

The regular duration of an IGSTC 2+2 project is up to 36 months (Phase 1) with the possibility of an extension for few months at no extra cost if all partners agree.

The possibility for a Phase 2 extension with additional grants has been formally incorporated by IGSTC and has been implemented for projects from 2014 Calls onwards after the completion of their Phase 1.

Phase 2 Extension grant provides an opportunity to selected projects with promising results a chance to apply for an extension of up to two additional years with support to cover the gap between the research phase (TRL 6) and the pilot industrial implementation phase (TRL 7 to 9). Projects do not qualify automatically for such extension but will be invited to apply based on phase 1 outcome. It is mandatory, that an industrial partner will lead the consortium, whereas it is not mandatory that all former partners are involved in the extension phase. Addition of a new partner is also possible. Within the extension period the partners are obliged to develop a business plan.

Approximately six months before a project tenure (Phase 1) ends, IGSTC will start identifying suitable 2+2 projects. Selection is made on the basis of specific evaluation criteria. IGSTC expects projects in phase 2 to reach a significant level of commerciality in the form of products/services.