IGSTC Virtual Event

IGSTC Virtual Event: 2+2 Call 2020 in Additive Manufacturing

12th November 2020, Thursday - 1:30 PM IST/9:00 AM CET Onwards

The Indo-German Science & Technology Centre (IGSTC) was established to facilitate Indo-German R&D networking through substantive interactions among government, academia/research system and industries, thus fostering innovation for overall economic and societal developments in both the countries. Through its flagship program "2+2 Mode of Partnership", IGSTC intends to catalyse innovation centric R&D projects by synergising the strength of research/academic institutions and public/private industries from India and Germany.

IGSTC is organizing a virtual event to promote its upcoming Call 2020 in the thematic area of Additive Manufacturing. IGSTC has invited top experts and scientists from India & Germany to have an insightful and immersive session for subject knowledge and bilateral research & partnerships.


  • G. Padmanabham Director, ARCI

  • Sanjay Dhande Former Director, IIT Kanpur

  • Thomas Studnitzky Group Leader 3D Metal Printing, Fraunhofer IFAM

  • K.P. Karunakaran Professor, IIT Bombay

  • Cameron Tropea Professor, TU Darmstadt

  • B. Gurumoorthy Professor, IISc Bangalore

  • Akos Fodor Industrial Designer MA, Additive Manufacturing Germany GmbH & Co. KG

  • Sridhar Balaram CEO, Intech Additive Ltd

Registration Link: https://bit.ly/32fvOrF

You will get the web-conference link and other details after the registration

Event flyer